Ziploc Bag Terror – the Fake Blood Hoax

We Don’t Want You to See Us Applying Fake Blood, so We’ll Torment You and Chase You Out – Videos from the Free Dzhokhar Movement
It really is terror by the infamous Ziploc bag. The company surely doesn’t want this type of publicity. It should contact the DHS and demand damages:
This individual has on a bullet-proof vest and was captured on-site, the same kinds of individuals who brutalized the Tsarnaev brothers, ultimately killing one of them.
The free Dzhokhar movement in its fight against the Boston Bombing hoax is doing its best to get the truth out about the innocent Tsarnaev brothers, absolute patsies, absolutely innocent and thus is producing stupendous material. These productions were found through a poster, here, on who is calling for the release of the innocent Dzhokhar. In these videos the application of fake blood is observed. Who would have ever thought that the people would be terrorized by this illicit government through mere zip-based plastic bags and their contents. It is terror, no doubt, and the people, globally, are the victims. Commentary to follow shortly plus screen shots. Do come back to review the larger post when it is ready.

Plenty of delivery agents:
Who cares about the wounded, regardless: oh, that’s right, they’re not wounded.  Moves fast: hard to keep track of her. Where is she going?
Note: lightened with green tint.
It’s a bit grainy, but there appears to be a source identified for the Wheelchair Lady’s paint:
Ziploc bag straddled over the thigh; begins the application process on the face; much more to do on those legs, though.
vs: – all staged and ready to go, blue gloved lady doesn’t care about any wounds, because there aren’t any.
wheelchairvictimsHey, lady, do you do that entire paint job yourself? It’s poorly done. The hand wounds are also fake, in case anyone might wonder.
Woman on ground definitely has fake blood in her palm; man is suspected, also. All the individuals in the Ziploc zone are criminals until proven otherwise. Like this one:
and after:
ziplocksssHow many ways can it be said, “Fraud and Super-Fraud.”

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