Fake Boston Bombing Revealed Up Close: Zauras Snape

Fake Boston Bombing Revealed Up Close: Zauras Snape
Watch this video of the fake Boston bombing closely. Use the mouse to visualize the sequence. The fraud and fabrications are clearly evident for all to see.
Screenshots and revelations
In addition to the fake tibia and sinew fraud, as show, below, in sequential screenshots pay close attention to the following:
5:26 Fake paramedic is given the high sign from both a ‘policeman’ and Martin Levine, D.O. Actor paramedic moves in immediately
Up close: not your standard behavior for an emergency care worker, but highly standard for Hollywood:
5:34 through 5:37 Pink lady is seen dumping on the ground a still internally stained Ziploc bag, which she attempts to do clandestinely:
pinkladydropThis is the precise moment where she releases the bag.
“Yuck, the hideous nature of corn syrup-based fake blood all over my hands. How do I get it off?” Note the black glove held in the gloved left hand. Regardless, the evidence is now dumped away. No one will know–or would they?
5:48 Arrendondo seen apparently rubbing fake blood on his flag
The fake stump – trouble brewing?
It can be seen that the smoke bombs and chaos did not buy sufficient time for the perpetrators. Here, after Christ the magician Williams had placed both fake gore stumps Arrendodo was called to step in, moving the fake gore into a more desired position, especially, now, with the encroachment of security guards. See the sequence, as follows:

Relief! It’s now out of the way of any potential witnesses and can now be pumped full of fake blood.
This sequence represents additional incredibly compelling proof of the great degree of fakery involved in this Boston ‘bombing,’ again proving that all the serious injuries were fabricated and that it was all merely a side-show. The woman on the ground is herself an amputee actor. Regardless, this information confirms that the Boston Marathon bombing was a staged hoax facilitated by the creation of scapegoats, who were set up for the fall by the greatest criminal element of this world, the Zionist world order.
Moreover, since this involves both a capital crime, murder, as well as malicious extortion, surely, charges must be filed as well as indictments and prosecution–and the duly deserved punishment–administered.

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