In a book published in January 2013, La Repubblica delle stragi impunite, Italian Judge Ferdinando Imposimato writes that NATO carried out the terrorist attacks that hit Italy over several decades, beginning around 1969.

The book refers to a 1967 document showing the involvement in terrorism of the Bilderberg Group.

Bilderberg works for NATO, which works for the Pentagon.

"Imposimato presided over several terrorist cases, including the assassination of President Aldo Moro and the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II... 

Terrorism: Judge Imposimato accuses Bilderberg

The Bologna Bombing 1980, carried out by the same people who did 9 11. According to the Italian Senate, after its investigation in 2000, the bombers were "men linked to the structures of United States intelligence." Reportedly, the Bologna bomb was part of Gladio's 'strategy of tension' - creating fear to keep populations in thrall to "strong leaders" who will protect the nation from the ever-present terrorist threat.

The Honorary President of the Italian Supreme, Court Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, says that: "Bilderberg is behind all the terrorism."

Ferdinando Imposimato: “C'รจ Bilderberg dietro alla strategia della tensione”

On 11 April 2013, Imposimato talks about the unsolved terrorist killings in Italy:

"I found a document that left me appalled.

"When it comes to terrorist slaughter it speaks of the Bilderberg Group...

"I can say that behind the strategy of tension and the terrorist slaughter there is the Bilderberg group, a sort of Big Brother, manipulating events, using terrorists, foreigners and Masons."
CIA chief Allen Dulles devised the plan to set up 'terrorist' forces across Europe.

Imposimato says that he was given the document by a former Ordine Nuovo terrorist.

The CIA-linked Ordine Nuovo ("New Order") carried out the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing and a host of other terrorist attacks.

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