Kevin Annett of the ITCCS to speak at public events and protests in the Netherlands, Paris, Rome, Dublin and other cities in alliance
with survivors of church crimes 
May 5 to June 5

BRUSSELS - Almost single-handedly, former Canadian clergyman Kevin Annett has for over twenty years documented and exposed the deliberate mass murder of aboriginal children in Canada's Indian residential school system, and brought to trial those responsible.

And yet Kevin is a maligned and persecuted figure in his own country. His research and work is censored in Canada's mainstream media, and he is banned from lecturing on the University of British Columbia campus where he grew up and earned three academic degrees.

None of this has daunted Kevin Annett, who was nominated this year for the Nobel Peace Prize by a group of American scholars.

In 2008, Kevin was instrumental in forcing an official apology from the Canadian government for its crimes in the Indian residential schools.

Appointed in 2011 as the Field Secretary for the Brussels-based International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, Kevin has now taken his campaign for justice outside of Canada into global courtrooms and human rights forums.

Kevin is in Europe during May and June as part of his latest speaking tour connected to a Common Law Court action that recently found the Pope, the Queen of England and Canadian political and church leaders guilty of Crimes against Humanity. 
Kevin will speak at public events and protests in the Netherlands, Paris, Rome, Dublin and other cities in alliance with survivors of church crimes. 

Kevin is the author of many books on the subject of Genocide, the crimes of religion, and child abuse and trafficking, and he is an award winning documentary film producer.

Kevin is also an adopted member of the Squamish and Ojibway indigenous nations and was granted the Ojibway name Eagle Strong Voice by tribal elders to honor him and his work.
For more information, contact Kevin at http://www.kevinannettinternational.blogspot.fr, or through these local ITCCS groups in Europe:

Sponsored by The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) - Central Office.

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