Morgellons disease : The Truth : All you need to know : This is a Bio-Tech Weapon of Fear : How to recognize it : How to get it out of your system : Stay well away from your doctors:
11:22 AM Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Morgellons : Wikipedia ( Corporate controlled ) suggests that patients ( those who think they have got morgellons) have Delusional Parasitosis.
Here is the opening line in Wikipedia:
Where sufferers have the delusional belief that they are infested with parasites, whereas in reality no such parasites are present.
They even call it Morgellons Syndrome just to make you believe it your self that you are delusional.
So what is everyone being so delusional about then?
Removal of the fear factor:
I found it no different from any other growth inside the body and it can be treated by common sense and your own ability to connect with your inner authority and dispel the Dis-Ease just like any other alien body in your system, like a nail or splinter.
The only difference being that Morgellons comes in a crystalline rash form and appears to spread, so just how do you deal with that ?
This is classic dehydration of the cells, this is why we suggest that it is no different from any other infection and once rehydration takes place, your OWN body will reject the dis-ease.
It does exist so sho is kidding who?
Morgellons DOES exist and it is a smart bio-weapon too, So what do the experts think then?
Here is what Leuren Moret thinks:
“Morgellons is a nanotechnology phenomenon. I was one of the Environmental Commissioners for the City of Berkeley when the Lawrence Berkeley Lab came to our commission about 10 years ago to present their new project – the molecular foundry facility for nanotechnology – and had an early opportunity to become aware of the tremendous increase in US funding for nanotechnology. It is extremely lethal to biological systems, that’s why so much money was put into it by the US govt. I have full knowledge of the nanotech/frequency apps used to cause Morgellons. It is certainly transmitted by EMF and creates an electric field where self-assembly (which I have observed frequently) occurs in normal growth and form – nothing new about it since scientists were writing about it over 100 years ago, but is now being used for the mendacious and satanic application which perverts the biological processes that are essential for life.
So lets go through what it looks and feels like and then how it got there and to get it out of your body:
The first thing to note is that we suspect most of the population has Morgellons and when you see the lesions you will probably recognize that you have had it once or twice in your lifetime ( only more recently ).
This is good news for any delusional patient, this may just take any sense of freaky ” it only happens to me” feelings away. After all the last thing anyone needs is a “happy to have morgellons” patient.
These conditions recorded on the pictures above, one can easily suggest that poor diet and good water knowledge is missing from the itinerary which allow this growth to manifest, seemingly out of control.
There is no intention of this web blog site to raise any fear factors, so for that purpose the following details of morgellons will be on video format showing how Morgellons can be easily dissolved by the beholder using some house hold products.
Over 2 years I have been following truthergirl on Youtube about a wealth of materials related to good and bad healthy eating and How she deals with morgellons is as practical as any DIY fixer can do for them selves.
Well strangely enough as a natural self healer this indicates to me that Morgellons is no more “a bio-tecky monster” than Staphoccoculus Dis-ease, ( a series of un earthly boils on the body where you do not need boils) which Colloidal silver and sea salt water kills. I have treated many with stunning results.
I have also removed a section of Morgellons with Tea tree oil but it took about 7 weeks. My next DIY attempt will certainly include DMSO and Colloidal Silver water and Milkweed found growing at the side of roads and in most European gardens ( Dandilions and Daisy’s etc).
IMPORTANT BE AWARE : Complex cases of Morgellons that demand much more involved treatment and cleansing processes do indeed exist, however one would suggest that you do not consider yourself in this league unless you work for the governments of America’s or Europe where Chemtrailing and Morgellons is more prevalent and people are actually targeted, see below. Government Smart Weapon Morgellons attacks.
Morgellons therefore is a show on the body that you have become susceptible to infection due to your own poor quality nutrient intake. IE: Bad Water and Bad food and Bad Air quality.
What to look for and how to be more observant and wiser about Morgellons:
To prevent being in contact with morgellons fibres one needs to be aware of 3 things.
Chemtrails are just one delivery device used in the spread of Morgellons, So pay attention to the lines in the sky : Should you see them, Use a nozzle to spray Colloidal Silver into to the lungs via nose & throat or line your throats with honey. The nasal spraying helps to get colloidal silver throughout your bloodstream faster and fend off any invading fibres that get through the hair follicles. Drink a little sea salt water when you see Chemtrails over your heads to allow your cells in your body to be re-hydrated in order to process repair procedures for chemical intake:
Know what food to eat and processed food has been tampered with which has fibres entered in the food chain, stay well clear of processed food and try to eat as much raw food as possible. Monsanto is the main culprits in infestation of the food chain, it leads to most if not all mass processed food and packaging companies. Dont Forget Agenda 21 is very much in play today and Morgellons is just one part of a complex citizen reduction program of fear and distruction. Learn for your self who MONSANTO’s ( My Satan) trading partners are: this is simple to research.
The third method of delivery of Morgellons to your body is far more bazaar and sinister but no less the truth. Government sponsored smart weapon attacks using morgellons as a target can be issued to those dissenters ( whistleblowers and out spoken truthers of government policy) who can be injected in the hospital during routine check ups, depending on the instructions given by the administers of the fibres. You may not know this has been carried out on you, the first thing that you will experience will be a massive outbreak of morgellons, soon after a hospital visit, please do come to the E-Clinic for guidance.
Most Common Instances:
Remember most of us has had this dis-ease and it is up to you to know it and deal with yourself.
Knowledge of what is really going on gives you the power of self-defence.
The best knowledge we can find on the entire subject is on this film with Sophia Smallstrom which joins all the dots;
You are at war and the best way to deal with a war with insane governments is to keep your self knowledgeable and fit at the same time:
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