How to By-Pass Your Reptilian Brain and Restore Your Creative Power
11:28 AM Monday, June 17, 2013
Following my last article The Law of Attraction and The Power of Your Mind, the subsequent information intends to further expand into the application of the necessary skill of discernment in order to manifest your desired reality.
To recap: Your mind is a sophisticated broadcasting system. We emit and absorb frequencies according to the frequencies (thoughts and belief systems) that we hold in our mind. In order to reset our innate power of creation, we must get our mind right by consciously applying discernment to every frequency (thought or emotion) that we emit and absorb. In other words, choosing to accept or reject frequencies is the first step in re-setting your broadcast system (your mind). It is how we begin to attune ourselves to source energy, our higher self, our life’s purpose, happiness, love, our true potential, etc.
Since the average individual’s mind broadcasts in the ballpark of 70 000 thoughts per day, we would drive ourselves absolutely mad trying to discern (monitor) every one of those thoughts. Especially since the vast majority of those are ingrained in the sub-conscious through belief systems that have deeply conditioned our habitual neuron pathways. The good news is that there is a shortcut to monitoring your thoughts and re-attuning yourself to your true manifestation potential. That shortcut is your emotions: your innate guidance system. This is a basic process that is fundamental to manifestation. Focus on feeling good! When your emotions are signaling that something (a frenquency) doesn’t feel good, apply discernment and re-focus your vibration on anything that feels good (a higher frequency). Listen to the ‘whispers’ (aka frequencies) life is offering to you as Oprah would say….
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