Throw out your old history books filled with Illuminati fiction and take a gander at these new truths about mankind, Planet Earth and our past together, and you’ll be forever changed by agenda-free history as it really happened.
What is Truth/Proof?
A noted physicist stated once: …new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents & making them see the light; but rather, because its opponents eventually die & a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.
Having recently celebrated their nation’s independence on July 4th, Americans were invited to recall the spirit of protest, rebellion, and revolution that marks the popular myth of the birth of the United States of America.
The Declaration of Independence still stands as an important example of how the tolerance of any man can be exceeded by the actions of an over-bearing and intrusive government. Yet, 237 years after the signing of this document, one has to wonder what has happened to the spirit of fearlessness and rugged self-determination that set the American experiment in motion.
As a form of redress of grievances by a people to it’s leadership, protest is as much of a historical part of democracy as voting is. A near-last resort when the populous is bereft of political power, publicly voicing dissent in an organized, peaceful, and constructive manner is a critical and vital sign of life for a society that wishes to be free. Yet, when a ruling elite and political class become too intrusive, parasitic or too dangerous to the population, protest is often a precursor to violence, therefore the outcome of rebellion and protest is never certain and often disastrous. However, the fate of a people without the will to resist the suffrages of an encroaching tyranny is just as foreboding.
While giving credit to the Occupy movement, those who engage in protest at global summits and party conventions, growing national actions like the Tar Sands Blockade and Idle No More, and growing localized activist movements, the nation has no formidable popular mass-movement for dissent. Apparently the American people have little interest in expressing dissatisfaction with the quality of leadership we have in America today.
Why are the American people so permissive of government abuse, intrusion, waste, corruption, cruelty, and stupidity?
There are several captures here including Russia and UK. New York is at 1:10.
Look closely at the buildings and the clouds in the background.
The Second Sun Prophecies Of June 2012
“The Five Wise Virgins, ‘Second Sun’ Prophecies”
“My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God. You come to Me today; and you ask Me if I have a word. Yes, My Little One, I have not one word, but two words. These two words are: ‘sorrow,’ and ‘joy.’
For, to you righteous ones, I shall give you ‘joy,’ even in your times of despair and trouble! But, for the unrighteous, you shall reap, even as you have sown. To you, shall come a time of sorrow as few could ever imagine.
All of the gold in the world will not save one soul! And, for those, who love money and all that it can buy, a time of despair as few could imagine, shall grip them.
For, many have found comfort in their stuff and in their things, but all of their confidence in money and things will not only suffocate them, but will bury them.
I am stripping bare My people. I am bringing you face-to-face with who you really are and what you really are.
But, all, who truly love Me, and who love Me above all, will float in their joy and in their love for Me. And, when the calamities come, and when death and destruction looks them in their eyes, they will neither despair, nor faint. For, My strong arm is their support. My peace is their ever-present gift.
Their eyes are not fixed on this world and its luxuries, but their eyes are fixed on Me! They love Me above all and will not be moved from their faith. And, though the oceans shall rage and though the rivers shall rise, they will neither falter, nor stumble. For, these are Mine! I have fed them and I have raised them up for such a time as this!
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to further strengthen the capacity of the Federal Government to effectively respond to the ongoing domestic HIV epidemic, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Policy. Addressing the domestic HIV epidemic is a priority of my Administration. In 2010, the White House released the first comprehensive National HIV/AIDS Strategy (Strategy), setting quantitative goals for reducing new HIV infections, improving health outcomes for people living with HIV, and reducing HIV-related health disparities. The Strategy will continue to serve as the blueprint for our national response to the domestic epidemic. It has increased coordination, collaboration, and accountability across executive departments and agencies (agencies) with regard to addressing the epidemic. It has also focused our Nation’s collective efforts on increasing the use of evidence-based approaches to prevention and care among populations and in regions where HIV is most concentrated.
Since the release of the Strategy, additional scientific discoveries have greatly enhanced our understanding of how to prevent and treat HIV. Accordingly, further Federal action is appropriate in response to these new developments. For example, a breakthrough research trial supported by the National Institutes of Health showed that initiating HIV treatment when the immune system was relatively healthy reduced HIV transmission by 96 percent. In addition, evidence suggests that early treatment may reduce HIV-related complications. These findings highlight the importance of prompt HIV diagnosis, and because of recent advances in HIV testing technology, HIV can be detected sooner and more rapidly than ever before.
Monsanto announced today that they are quitting their effort to get more genetically modified crops approved in Europe.
"We will no longer be pursuing approvals for cultivation of new biotech crops in Europe," the biotech company said in a statement.
"Instead, we will focus on enabling imports of biotech crops into the EU and the growth of our current business there," Monsanto added.
Only two genetically modified crops are allowed to be grown in the European Union (Monsanto's MON 810 maize and BASF's Amflora potato).
The EU currently has a 'zero tolerance' policy for importing GMOs. Presumably, Monsanto will focus their attention on modifying this policy, and they already have an strong ally in the European Commission -- President Jose Barroso.
Thousands of people in Spain have taken to the streets in the capital Madrid to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.
On Thursday, protesters staged anti-government rallies after Rajoy dismissed calls by opposition lawmakers to answer questions on a corruption scandal in parliament.
On Sunday, head of the opposition Socialist party Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba called on Rajoy to resign after a media report accused him of receiving illicit cash payments when he was a minister in the late 1990s.
On June 9, Spain’s daily El Mundo published excerpts from the ledger entries of a secret slush fund run by the governing People’s Party (PP), implicating Rajoy and other senior PP members in the corruption scandal.
The Telegraph (UK) notes that South Korean doctor Byun Gi-won told a newspaper that “over-use of smartphones and game devices hampers the balanced development of the brain...Heavy users are likely to develop the left side of their brains, leaving the right side untapped or underdeveloped.”
What would you do if you knew that the government had tapped all of your phones, was watching everything that you do on the Internet and was keeping a copy of all of your emails? Well, the truth is that this is essentially exactly what is happening right now.
Over in the UK, a British intelligence agency known as Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has tapped into the cables that all of our phone calls and all of our Internet activity go through. All of the information that goes through those cables – phone calls, Internet searches, Facebook activity, emails, etc. – is gathered, recorded and stored by GCHQ. This information gathering program is referred to as “Tempora”.
It is being reported that GCHQ records 600 million “telephone events” every day. In addition, GCHQ shares all of the data that it gathers with the NSA. Reportedly, there are 850,000 people in the United States that have top secret clearance that have access to this data. Needless to say, nothing that you do on your phone or on the Internet will ever be “private” ever again.
One key innovation has been GCHQ’s ability to tap into and store huge volumes of data drawn from fibre-optic cables for up to 30 days so that it can be sifted and analysed. That operation, codenamed Tempora, has been running for some 18 months.
GCHQ and the NSA are consequently able to access and process vast quantities of communications between entirely innocent people, as well as targeted suspects.