5:40 AM
Monday, April 29, 2013
All the proof that is needed that the Boston bombing didn’t occur as portrayed and that instead it is a hoax and that no people died is right here, the famous video evidence accumulated by EMT, Steve Apple. Many have already since his work. Here is an excellent summary of these findings by a YouTube researcher:
There is no need for further proof. The lack of blood emanating from the supposed double amputee whose legs were supposedly blown off in the incident is sufficient evidence that this is a Hollywood scam and that no one died, no one severely injured.
The man in the hood is a prop pro, who, through his hook, makes every attempt to hide under disguise:
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false flag
Satellite images from march 26th 2013 show a Huge Coil , Spiral Wave like Feature coming from the Prince Edward Islands ! Amazing Proof of Weather Modification ! NASA Pictures showing the effects of TTA'S and HAARP !
Reblogged from SherayxWeblog:
Pretty hard to refute that evidence.
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Official: Iran Self-Sufficient in N. Fuel Material Production, Likely to Launch New Reactor
TEHRAN (FNA)- Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Fereidoun Abbasi announced the country's self-sufficiency in producing nuclear fuel materials, and said Iran will likely launch a new research reactor in the Northwestern city of Bonab in East Azarbaijan province.
"Iran is self-sufficient in producing nuclear fuel materials and can even export specialized services (in this field)," Abbasi said, addressing a number of local officials in Bonab Sunday night.
Meantime, he referred to Iran's progress in producing radiomedicine, and said, the country is exporting radiomedicine to the neighboring and the Middle-Eastern countries in addition to providing for its domestic needs.
Abbasi also raised the possibility of launching a nuclear reactor in Bonab city's research center in the future, and said if the relevant studies yield positive results, "a pool-type reactor which is harmless and is merely used for research purposes will be built at the center".
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cold war
TapIt appears that Facebook is the only wayI can keep up with the sheer volume offacts on the Boston Bombing case.Today, following a lead I wanted to followwhen I first heard her last name...I've confirmed that Katherine Russell -instant convert to radical Islam and wifeof alleged Boston bomber - is the granddaughterof a SKULL AND BONES member who was activein the energy industry as an "entrepreneur."I don't know yet if the grandfather isrelated to Skull and Bones co-founderWilliam Huntington Russell.What does it mean? Who knows, but if youcan read Facebook, I have some preliminaryideas.More details here:
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cold war
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(NaturalNews) The U.S. government has, since at least 2004, used "professional actors" to depict victims in terror drills that simulate large-scale attacks.According to this ABC News article from 2004, "professional actors will play the roles of victims." In addition, a "virtual news network" will be created an operated in order to practice the dissemination of government propaganda during the event.The use of "professional actors" to depict victims is especially telling, given that many Americans believe the government has used professional actors in events like Sandy Hook and the Boston marathon.This analysis of the Boston marathon bombing claims a double amputee was an actor and that the blood on the scene was "Hollywood blood" designed to look bright red for the cameras. (Real blood is much darker...)University professor James Tracy also argues that the Boston marathon bombing was pulled off with theatrical elements and wasn't accurately portrayed in the media.On the Sandy Hook side, many people say the "parent" Robbie Parker was an actor. This video appears to show him laughing and smiling while off camera, then magically transforming into a sad, tearful father once the cameras start rolling:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKWgCRBR5qEHere's another compilation video showing Sandy Hook actors:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_b9hh2lp3IRegardless of whether you believe professional actors were involved in Sandy Hook or the Boston marathon bombing, the U.S. government openly admits they have used professional actors in nationwide terror drills.Here's another announcement from 2003 which also says:Volunteers and professional actors will play the roles of victims, who will be rescued, diagnosed, decontaminated and treated.
Actors used to augment the propaganda
The use of professional actors doesn't mean real people weren't harmed or even killed in the staged attack. It only means that the actors are selected to appear on camera and give carefully rehearsed "testimony" that achieves the desired political goal of the event.Sandy Hook, for example, was designed specifically to demonize all gun owners in America and ultimately repeal the Second Amendment. Because such a goal can never be achieved through reason and rational thinking, the strategy involved invoking raw emotion through the use of professional actors who played the role of bereaved parents.In this way, professional actors are used to augment the propaganda, making sure the post-event news coverage delivers the desired message to the masses.For example, the post-9/11 message under the Bush administration was that "America should give up its liberties to stop terrorism." This message, propagandized through a number of theatrical events (such as the demolition of WTC building 7), was engineered to lead to the passage of the Patriot Act and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. Yes, the DHS that still haunts us today was the spawned hellchild of 9/11 theatrics.
Flipping the script
Every false flag event in recent memory has been accompanied by a staged drill. In the middle of the drill, an actual bombing or other attack is carried out, and the script is suddenly flipped from a "drill" to a "terror attack." All the assets that were set up for the drill -- law enforcement presence, bomb-sniffing dogs and professional actors playing victims -- suddenly become key elements in the national news broadcasts covering the "real" terrorist attack.The drill-false-flag format is highly effective because patsies who are going to be blamed for the event are simply told, "You're participating in a drill." This is likely what happened to the two brothers accused of carrying out the Boston marathon bombings. Evidence clearly points to the possibility that they were FBI assets who were likely told they were taking part in a "drill." We have already established that local law enforcement was informed of the existence of a drill... and that they shared this information with some participants in the marathon.Even where drills aren't used as a backdrop for carrying out staged false flag events, the drills still have the effect of indoctrinating the local populace to a police state presence. They get people used to seeing militarized goons running around pulling innocent people out of their homes in total violation of the Fourth Amendment.It also gives the FBI insight on how local law enforcement will react to the terror plots actually being staged by the FBI itself. This is invaluable information necessary for formulating yet more domestic terror plots in order to keep the population in a never-ending state of unbridled fear and government obedience.Whatever happens in the months ahead, just remember the government has already admitted, "professional actors will play the roles of victims."Yeah, we know.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/040060_terror_drills_professional_actors_victims.html#ixzz2Rr1bGn6M
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false flag
2:12 AM
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Debunking some of the common Hoaxer claims. You people these memes don't go viral because there are really that many stupid people. They go viral because like Kony 2012 they are promoted by Soros and by government cointel-pro. Jones Town is supreme Mockingbird disinformation with the Orwellian name Info wars. There certainly IS a war on for your mind.
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false flag
1. Ruslan Tsarnaev, the uncle of the Boston Bomb suspects, shared a home with top the CIA officer Graham Fuller.
2. Uncle Ruslan Tsarnaev was married to Graham Fuller's daughter, Samantha.
3. Fuller has been forced to explain the relationship, as news of the link has emerged.
The CIA's Graham Fuller, who is related to Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
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cold war
false flag
Boston Busted: It’s All Fake. No One Died.
In investigating the Strange Case of Kristyle Campbell this was discovered. That was through ignoring the shock value of the Liveleak feed and merely taking screenshots. What was discovered is a crucial revelation in solving this case.
The eyes aren’t lying. It is a TV producer, a production manager, on-site after the smoke bomb. There she is, entirely calm, holding her camera as she looks at one of the actors. Keep in mind that this is seconds after the concussive bomb, a mere pyrotechnic device aimed at creating the necessary distraction.
Here it is again, a fraction of a second later. It is not anyone’s imagination. Apparently, instructions were given, as she was looking directly at the man sitting on the pavement.
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false flag
The disclosure of a DNA-tested extraterrestrial humanoid became the #1 Most Popular story on Huffington Post for four full days. The film SIRIUS premiered Monday — and may be a critical tipping-point for Disclosure.
Our story begins with a seemingly prophetic dream I had on Friday, April 19th.
If this seems to be foolish or irrelevant, bear in mind that I have been recording my dreams for over 20 years — almost every morning — since September 23, 1992.
I have had many hundreds of accurate prophecies of future events appear during this time. Some of them have been posted on this website in advance.
The most notable example was when, in
“Bouncing Back from Hack Attack,” I predicted “some kind of major disaster” involving a huge explosion and tidal waves was about to happen — right before Fukushima.
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6:49 AM
Friday, April 26, 2013
This video was uploaded to YouTube April 24, 2013. Thank you to the OPPT Canada group for posting!
Lyndon LaRouche says, “…the citizens of the United States have to wake up.” Here! Here! And that some members of Congress are “cowards”. Wow—this has been a long time coming.
Let’s not overlook the fact that there are MANY crooked politicians in the shadow government who are about to be outted as well. The President is not the ONLY problem by any stretch of the imagination.
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cold war
A Special Report from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
Mass Graves of Children in Canada:
The first documented evidence of the burial of children at a former Indian residential school
Issued by the ITCCS Central Office and Kevin D. Annett during the Ninth Annual Aboriginal Holocaust Memorial Week -
April 25, 2013
In late 2011 in Brantford, Ontario, history was made with the uncovering of forensic evidence of the burial of children at the oldest Indian residential school in Canada.
Despite subsequent attempts by the Church and Crown of England and their aboriginal agents to discredit and conceal this evidence of their crimes, this first unveiling of mass graves has prompted new disclosures of genocide across Canada.
After the first evidence of a mass grave near the Anglican-run Mohawk Institute in Brantford, Ontario was unearthed between September and November, 2011, these agencies that are responsible for the deaths of children at this, Canada's oldest "Indian residential school", mounted an enormous sabotage campaign to stop the dig and fog the evidence. That coverup eventually involved the Archbishop of Canterbury in London, Rowan Williams, the Anglican Primate in Canada, Fred Hiltz, and Buckingham Palace.
This sabotage temporarily halted the excavation of the Mohawk Institute graves – the first independent dig ever undertaken at Canadian residential schools. But the evidence uncovered confirmed that children are indeed buried there.
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Pictures from Across the web showing the truth of the Boston Bombing. For further information check out these videos http://youtu.be/axQtAFtmtVA http://youtu.be/TTgKkldEsMw Government Editing Pictures http://youtu.be/7-fDFZF9h8Y
User Prediction Made before the Events Happened
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cold war
false flag
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false flag
The boy. Abdul Rahman Alharbi. He was here, then he wasn’t. He was featured in major stories, then he wasn’t.
The Ministry of Truth (controlled media) has no further concerns.
For a few hours, Alharbi was the prime suspect in the Boston bombing. Then he was a person of interest. Then he was no longer a person of interest, he was severely burned and in the hospital.
Then Secretary of State John Kerry met with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud. Obama met with Saud, too, and with the Saudi ambassador. Then Alharbi became a witness who wasn’t severely burned. He’d received minor injuries. Then DHS took away his travel visa and prepared to deport him.
Then, poof.
Where is he? Was he deported?
No one seems to know.
Since 2009, though, and long before Michelle Obama visited him in a Boston hospital a few days ago, Alharbi had been to the White House seven times. On several occasions, those visits lasted several hours. Ten members of the boy’s extended family are named on a Saudi terror list. According to Glenn Beck, who produced a copy of a form from the US Customs and Border Protection National Targeting Center, Alharbi is designated a 212-3B. This classification translates to: “terrorist connections.” At the least.
The Ministry of Truth doesn’t seem to care what he was doing at the White House.
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false flag
BBC photo of Syria massacre exposed as fake
The BBC has been caught using phoney photo as the basis for their main headline story about a non-existent atrocity attributed to the Syrian regime. The original story in turn generated multiple top headlines around the world. In one typical example, on an independent talk radio station in London, LBC, the breakfast show presenter described the photo in emotive terms and repeatedly referred to the fake photo as a counter-argument against phone callers who questioned the official line. As always, more people will hear the lie than will hear the subsequent correction.It is difficult to believe that the BBC would use an unverified photo from a source with no credibility whatsoever in such a high-profile way. It seems that the BBC is readily able to suspend the desire to scrutinise evidence when the evidence in question services state propaganda needs. Indeed, this incident only makes sense in the context of a propaganda model in which the BBC, as Britain's state broadcaster, is tasked with going out of their way to exaggerate the situation even if that means presenting false information. Syria is an official enemy of the British regime and its closest allies. The US, UK and their allies are unwilling to intervene directly in Syria, because Syria has an alliance with Russia. Of course, Russia is also an official enemy of the US and UK.SOURCEBBC News uses 'Iraq photo to illustrate Syrian massacre'Daily Telegraph, 27 May 2012http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/9293620/BBC-News-uses-Iraq-photo-to-illustrate-Syrian-massacre.htmlPhotographer Marco di Lauro said he nearly �fell off his chair� when he saw the image being used, and said he was �astonished� at the failure of the corporation to check their sources.The picture, which was actually taken on March 27, 2003, shows a young Iraqi child jumping over dozens of white body bags containing skeletons found in a desert south of Baghdad.It was posted on the BBC news website today under the heading �Syria massacre in Houla condemned as outrage grows�.
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false flag
10:44 AM
Thursday, April 25, 2013
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false flag
Azealia Banks is a new rap artist garnering a lot of media attention. Unsurprisingly, her first major single is dedicated 100% to Illuminati symbolism and the Elite Agenda. We’ll look at the occult symbolism of the video “Yung Rapunxel”, more proof that the Illuminati Agenda is becoming increasingly prevalent with each new artist going “pop”.
Azealia Banks signed with Interscope Records (home of countless “industry puppets”) in 2011 and since then, she’s basically been all about Illuminati symbolism … and a strange Internet controversy. I first heard of Azealia Banks in 2012 when the music producer Munchi got mad at her and tweeted: “Go be a puppet bitch to someone else“. Azealia then replied “@originalmunchi thinks I’m in the illuminati… I’m being very serious right now.”
Munchi then posted more details on Facebook. Regarding the “Illuminati” reference, he wrote.
“I think she is in the Illuminati (thirsty for fame and success by portraying occult references in every step you take is not something i want to affiliate with. Even less because it is a hype nowadays, it’s fucking music yo).”
One year later, watching her first single Yung Rapunxel, we can conclude that Munchi was right. Of course, she is not IN the Illuminati. She is just another face used to push the same Agenda that is being pushed by countless other artists. Yung Rapunxel is indeed a rehashing of a lot of the Illuminati symbolism described on this site, mixed with some disturbing images for extra shock value. There is no deep storyline going on, just some strong visuals that blatantly communicate that she is completely on board with the Elite Agenda. Let’s look at the symbolism of the video.
In Your Face Illuminati
Yung Rapunxel recalls the name “Rapunzel”, the fairy tale princess who was trapped in a tower and who used her long hair to allow her Prince Charming to climb up to her. However, the video has absolutely nothing to do with any of that: It’s all disturbing images and Illuminati symbolism. Nothing more, nothing less. As usual, the artist is portrayed as a person with little to no control over her own mind, surrounded with the elite’s symbolism and, to top it off, some police state promotion.
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I have no personal experience in the business of false flag terrorism, but I imagine that engineering a successfully staged terror attack to be blamed on innocent or semi-innocent parties with the goal of psychologically manipulating a population requires that one also be an accomplished storyteller. It demands an avid imagination and an organized sense of foresight. And, most of all, it requires a consistency of narrative. Without consistency, the audience’s ability to suspend its disbelief is damaged, and they become disconnected from the fantasy being portrayed.
If I were the “writer” behind the “story” of the Boston Marathon Bombing, I would consider my efforts an abject failure.
The narrative of the event has changed multiple times in only a few days, following a hailstorm of conflicting observations from the government and the establishment-run media. The “villain” of the original plotline was clearly meant to be “rightwing extremism” as numerous mainstream talking heads, led by federal agency inferences, began repeating the “homegrown right wing terrorist” meme everywhere. This meme was partly abandoned after the alternative media and the Liberty Movement began its own investigation, revealing a large federal presence on the scene, including military Civil Support Teams often tied to the DHS and Northcom, as well as the witnesses who observed what on-scene officials called “training exercises” during the marathon. I have no doubt that these citizen investigations forced the establishment to change the direction of their crime tale, and use Plan B patsies instead. This, however, complicated the momentum of the fiction, and created even more questions.
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false flag
Author of
UFO Sightings Daily Scott C. Waring says, ”Sorry I was late today. I was looking through NASA photos and found numerous structures that should not exist there. Many of these structures have right angles, also note that when I show you the black building in the shape of a wall with two 90 degree angles, there is another in same location in this video but on lower right hand corner.
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Some say that the FBI should have been notified sooner by DHS as there are many holes and unanswered questions that still remain regarding the Boston Marathon bombings, others think DHS is hiding something.
WASHINGTON, DC – APRIL 24: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano addresses the American Hotel and Lodging Association’s 2013 Legislative Action Summit on Capitol Hill April 24, 2013 in Washington, DC. Napolitano highlighted her department’s ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ campaign and other steps toward smoothing air travel inside and outside the United States. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
by Shepard Ambellas
April 24, 2013
WASHINGTON — Tensions on Capitol Hill flare as Department of Homeland Security (DHS) director, Janet Napolitano, was questioned by a congressional member on DHS’s foreknowledge of the older Tsarneav brother’s activities and why nothing was done to counter his alleged activities.
Another attendee pointed out that if we want to stop terrorism in America, all agencies must work together.
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false flag
This time lapse shows the legs blown off guy being wheeled out of the area, but they have to stop to put his phony legs back on as they start to fall off.
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false flag
5:01 PM
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
The Muslim Terrorist Apparatus was Created by US Intelligence as a Geopolitical Weapon
Le Nouvel Observateur’s Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski
Originally published 15-21 January 1998
Translated by Jean Martineau
(Editor’s Note: The following article and interview have been suppressed by Google, now a “black-ops” contractor. The background on US backing for the Chechen rebels totally debunks attempts to assign blame for the Boston Marathon bombings to any group other than American security agencies and their domestic and foreign contractors who were very obvious at the scene, before and after the attack we believe they staged. Without adequate background on how we got where we are, real information can easily be “shaken off” as conspiracy.
If you want real conspiracy, read on and see who the very real conspirators are. G Duff for VT)
Below is our translation of an interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski. It is important for three reasons. First, it flatly contradicts the official US justification for giving billions of dollars to the mujahedeen in Afghanistan in the 1980s, namely that the US and Saudi Arabia were defending so-called freedom fighters against Soviet aggression.
“Not so,” says Brzezinski. He confirms what opponents have charged: that the US began covert sponsorship of Muslim extremists five months *before* the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. He says that after President Carter authorized the covert action: “I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets.” Second, the interview is instructive concerning so-called “conspiracy theory.” To be sure, there are plenty of nutty theories out there. And of course, there are plenty of just plain wrong theories.
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cold war
Watch and listen as Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis
admits the two Boston Marathon explosion suspects
are actually actors:
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false flag
Reportedly, police have found the body of a man in the Providence River, near the Wyndham Garden Providence Hotel, Rhode Island.The police think it is 'very possible' that it is missing student Sunil Tripathi who was accused of being one of the Boston Marathon bombers.SunilTripathi, 22, was a Brown University student and has been missing since March 2013.Authorities are hoping to reveal the identity of the body today, but police lieutenant Joseph Donnelly told The Boston Globe that 'it's very, very possible' that it is Tripathi.Some people had claimed Sunil's name had been mentioned by police on the police scanner.dailymail.
Above, we see Tamerlan Tsaraev, or, is it Sunil?"A MICHAEL Jackson lookalike pretended to be the King of Pop to plug the star's last tour, his family claim.
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They passed the Cyber Intelligence Sharing
and Protection Act (CISPA).
Aaron Swartz...
Aaron Swartz: Internet civil libertarian suicided
MIT cooperated with government to persecute him
He fought and defeated SOPA, a law similar toCISPA which Congress just passed while wewere all paying attention to the goings on inBoston.Swartz was also a Harvard-recognizedexpert on institutional corruption.The Feds took over a minor case he was involvedwith and turned it into potential multi-decadeprison sentence for him.The claim is that he committed suicide in despairover the case. The reality is he was in a positive stateof mind when he died and he was a fighter.So how did he really die?Video:
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The secret is out: marijuana is medicine. And not to the surprise of the pharmaceutical industry, who is slowly but surely gaining exclusive rights to the medical properties of this age-old plant.
But wait. How can a company, other than
Monsanto, patent a plant? That’s not a serious question, but it brings up a serious point. Patents on marijuana have yet to cover genetic modifications of the plant itself, but rather involve the cannabinoids found in marijuana that are responsible for its medical effects.
Phytocannabinoids in the treatment of cancer (Patent No. US20130059018)
The most recent patent filing on
cannabinoids comes from none other than GW Pharmaceuticals – the UK-based company that manufactures Sativex (1). Sativex is an oral spray that contains cannabinoids derived from the cannabis plant itself, specifically THC and CBD. Although Sativex is not yet available in the U.S., it has already gained approval in Canada, the UK and eight other European countries.
GW Pharma has been quick to recognize the market potential of cannabis and their most recent patent application makes this more than clear. Just from the title of the patent, one gets a good sense of what GW Pharma has been trying to claim as their own. “Phytocannabinoids” simply means cannabinoids derived from plants, referring to the cannabis plant in this case.
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A new study on aspartame has the potential to reignite the decades-old controversy behind this artificial sweetener’s safety, or lack thereof. As far back as 1996, folks were writing about the potential link between aspartame and increasing brain tumor rates.[i] Indeed, its intrinsic
neurotoxicity and
carcinogenicity has been confirmed in the biomedical literature. And yet, aspartame has been approved for use in thousands of consumer products in over 90 countries, [ii] and is still being consumed by millions worldwide on a daily basis – despite the fact that over 40
adverse health effects of aspartame have been documented.
The new study, published in the September edition of the Journal of Bioscience and titled, “Effect of chronic exposure to aspartame on oxidative stress in the brain of albino rats,” aimed to test the hypothesis that chronic consumption of
aspartame may be causing neurological damage in exposed populations.
They found that chronic (90 day) administration of aspartame to rats, at ranges only 50% above what the FDA considers safe for human consumption, resulted in blood and brain tissue changes consistent with brain damage.
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